Quantum Spin Wave Facelift for Eyes mp3

Quantum Spin Wave Facelift for Eyes mp3


 A Quantum Spin Wave Session which includes coded activations for the left, right, & third eyes. 

This unique, 1 hour recording was generated on 01.07.2017, and utilizes a combination of individual and collective energies in order to facilitate greater results.
It may be used to clear past, present and future traumas to vision and sight- physical and energetic.  It may also be played at any volume, while awake or while asleep.

Most common charges result in emotional responses and resistance via emotional reactions such as crying, wincing from pain, laughter (both forced and genuine), anger, fear, etc. 
When these responses are experiences through the eyes, a variety of effects can occur- including limited vision, reduced awareness, decreased perceptions that create uninformed choices.

  • During this Spin Wave Facelift session multiple source charges (over 50) are located and neutralized.
  • Quantum space reduces extended processing times and need for endless repetition.
  • Personal perceptions of self and physical reality can change.


**It is not recommended to listen to this audio while driving or operating heavy machinery.

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*  Energetic Facelifts and Activations are not meant to treat medical or dermatological conditions.  If medical conditions - including inflamed or reactive skin - are present, please consult a physician before proceeding with an energetic facelift.

*Oneness Is Everything makes no guarantees or promises in regards to the effectiveness or outcomes of energetic facelifts.