What are Immortal Face Lifts?


        Immortal Face Lifts are light- no touch energy sessions are designed and coded to operate in the highest interests of you and your body at the time of their activation. Each Immortal Face Lift has it’s own energetic signature, and every session is unique and appropriate for supporting your own personal and physical evolution. Immortal Face Lifts may be activated as individual and group sessions.

        Immortal Face Lifts are designed to activate within a field which:
1: brings in the appropriate universal energy for each session and
2: protects each person from interference while allowing bodies to communicate with each other.

        During individual sessions you are personally coached according to your current energies and your body's current needs.  The individual session can follow the designed delivery method, or focus on specific aspects unique to you.  This can be planned beforehand, or discovered during your session

        During group sessions your body is allowed to access other bodies’ information systems in order to utilize coding in a way that works for you.  It allows bodies to do what bodies do, without bringing in energy that has been tagged with unnecessary intent or identity.  This creates greater dynamics to group sessions.   While participating in a group session, your Immortal Face Lift activation should be received as if it is an individual session.  If your intuition guides you to follow separate guidelines, then please honor your awareness.

        Due to the coding of Immortal Face Lifts, locked physical charges are neutralized throughout your body and face. This results in changes in your appearance and non verbal feedback which is recognizable by yourself and others. Your face and body will be more expressive, and your energy will experience clarity, ease, and flow. Others may not be able to describe the difference, but they will perceive your changes.

There are currently three types of Immortal Face Lifts:

  • Face and Face & Body Lifts activate your body and face to release energies which affect your appearance and behavior in positive ways.

  • Generators & Amplifiers activate a series of fields around your body to shift the ways other perceive you in order to create greater ease in your interactions with the world around you.

  • Light Masks activate specific frequencies of light in order to address a variety of cosmetic and functional needs and desires for your body without discomfort or expensive equipment.

Immortal Face Lifts may be activated once or multiple times, as frequently as desired.

*  Energetic Face Lifts and Activators are not meant to treat medical or dermatological conditions.  If medical conditions - including inflamed or reactive skin - are present, please consult a physician before proceeding with an energetic face lift.



List of Immortal Face Lifts  and  Immortal Face & Body Lifts

(Scroll down to view available Generators & Amplifiers)


Why choose just One?

face lift sampler



(The Original Immortal Face Lift)-  
*High Frequency Energies

  • Phase 1 -Elminiation of fake it 'til you make it, and all other remnants of non-joy from your face. Phase 2 - Infusion of true joy

  • This Immortal Face Lift creates peace and serenity and increases authenticity throughout face and visage.

*Fast Moving, Energizing

  • Reclaims energies from wishing you were older to wishing you were younger - experience being present with all of your energy.

  • This Immortal Face Lift increases your energy and has a common side effect of toning.

*Calming, Rest Inducing Energies

  • Re-calibrates cellular activity on many levels.

  • This Immortal Face Lift is the equivalent of an anti-aging skin regime in an energy session.

*Expansively Energizing

  • This is the next generation of Youthening Face & Body, designed to initiate your body into perpetual energy generation.

  • This Immortal Face Lift focuses on addictive behaviors and creates natural physical releases that are commonly initiated by harmful substance abuse.

*Expanding High Frequency

  • This is the next generation of The Immortal Face Lift, designed to emit joy.

  • This Immortal Face Lift allows your body to use information systems to eliminate dis-ease within your reality.

*Very Intense High Frequency

  • Creates space and ease with prosperous outcomes.

  • This Immortal Face & Body Lift prevents you and your body from broadcasting non serving blocks and triggers which create unwanted responses and reactions by yourself and others.

*Calmly Intense

  • Assists you in rising above your limitations and obstacles while embracing current realities.

  • This Immortal Face Lift introduces an existence that supersedes predetermined mortal restrictions.

*Very Intense, High Frequency Expansion

  • Assists you into expanding space which mitigates fear and its controlling effects.

  • This Immortal Face Lift imbibeS your face, body and being with energies of expansion.


  • Creates unique encounters for accepting and receiving.

  • This Generator & Amplifier sets up the scenarios for you to encounter individuals who will see your talents as desirable and valuable.


  • Triggers aesthetic pleasures, ultimately creating an expanding harmony of environmental beauty.

  • This Generator & Amplifer encodes the body to generate numerous energetic fields of beauty and charm while neutralizing deflecting and self deprecating responses and behaviors.


  • Excellent for anyone seeking support for personal change and receiving.

  • This Generator & Amplifier is designed for those who are experiencing greater-than-usual sensitivity.


  • Promotes neutrality in the face of others’ anxieties.

  • This Generator & Amplifier is designed for individuals facing and recovering from traumatic environments and energies.


  • Be perceived as one with already established boundaries that are to be respected and not challenged.

  • This Generator & Amplifier is highly recommended for those in leadership roles or those who are moving forward after making changes that increase vulnerability and openness.



The Immortal Face lift

Open up to the Joy of Immortality


This energetic face lift is the invitation to embrace your own immortality. Your face is your calling card, and this session will facilitate a natural peace and brilliance which is delivered through your face, both physically and energetically. It is not for changing bad looks to good looks. This face lift is for anyone looking to emanate immortality in his/her visage and presence.

This is a light touch energetic face lift that has been specifically coded by Rann for: 

  • enlivening skin with light and color

  • enlivening skin and muscular structure with elasticity

  • neutralizing facial charges which cause rigidity

  • neutralizing facial charges which cause wrinkles

  • introduction of allowance for physical and energetic shifts which promote rejuvenation

Post session experiences may include:

  • facial muscular aching

  • noticeable changes in facial features

  • noticeable changes in facial demeanor

  • noticeable changes in behavioral responses of others

The Immortal Face Lift is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.

The Immortal Facelift Activation
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The Immortal Face Lift - mp3
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The Youthening Face & Body Lift

Open up to the energy of childhood.

Youthening Facelift

This Energetic Face & Body Lift is the invitation to embrace all of the energy available to you, no matter which stage of life you enjoy in this moment. It is common in this reality to surrender energetic magnitude to youth as one becomes older, which manifests as a decrease in vitality on several mental, physical and energetic levels. This face & body lift session removes blockages of energy due to mortal entrainment, and is for anyone seeking to reclaim his/her immortal energetic flows.

 This is an energetic body & face lift that has been specifically coded by Rann for: 

  • enlivening skin with appearance of child-like youth

  • toning skin and muscular and skeletal structure with elasticity and flexibility

  • promoting efficiencies for hydration and elimination of toxins

  • promoting the inclusion of fun, boundless energy, being seen AND heard; receiving, processing, and balanced integration and application

  • allowance for physical and energetic shifts which promote rejuvenation

Post session experiences may include:

  • facial muscular aching

  • skin sensitivity

  • more energy

  • restlessness

  • noticeable changes in physical features of body and/or face

  • noticeable changes in facial demeanor

  • noticeable changes in behavioral responses of self and others


The Youthening Face & Body Lift is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.

Youthening Face & Body Lift Activation
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the mortal re-genesis face & body lift

Open up to a ReGenerative Body.

Mortal ReGenesis Facelift

This Energetic Face & Body Lift is the invitation to change the linear physical evidence of dying into the sequence of regeneration and living. The conclusion of mortality and death ultimately manifests in disease and decay, which becomes physically evident over time. This face & body lift calibrates sequencing, and reminds the body of its many capabilities before certain death was imposed upon it. This face & body lift is for anyone seeking to reinvigorate his/her body from the inside out.

 This is an Energetic Face & Body Lift Session that has been specifically coded by Rann for: 

  • enlivening skin with light and color

  • regenerating skin and muscular and skeletal structure with elasticity and flexibility

  • promoting efficiencies for hydration and elimination of toxins

  • programmed quantum rapport of bodies for non sequenced immortal functions

  • metabolization of UV radiation

  • recalibration of programmed cellular activities

Post session experiences may include:

  • relaxation

  • skin sensitivity / tingling in activation points

  • muscular aching and tiredness

  • noticeable changes in skin of body and/or face

  • noticeable changes in facial demeanor

  • noticeable changes in behavioral responses of self and others

  • greater acceptance of personal appearance

The Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.


the pleasure button face & Body lift

Emanate Presence and Potency


The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift is the next evolution of the Youthening Face & Body Lift. This face & body lift liberates energies that have been locked into polarity, and then uses released polar charges to generate a fantastic perpetual energy flow from the inside out. It deliberately focuses on clearing the urges and behaviors associated with addiction, holding on, and resisting change; and induces a natural release of energies, hormones and chemicals that are ultimately reduced or shut down by harmful foods and substance abuse.

 The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift has been specifically coded by Rann for:

  • calibration and release of happiness chemicals and hormones

  • removing obstructions and sabotage systems

  • weight loss and weight gain support

  • calibration and neutralization of drug and/or stress induced chemicals and hormones

  • clearing addictive behaviors and patterns including dependency and co dependency

  • neutralizing large scale charges and patterns

  • Increasing production of abundant and prosperous energy flows.

Post session experiences may include:

  • varied emotional processing

  • favorable circumstances to promote yourself and your services

  • opportunities to take action and follow through

  • expansion of your comfort zone

  • increased receptivity

The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.



Wellness and Expansive Joy


This energetic facelift activation is the invitation to expansive joy and wellness, and is the next evolution of The Immortal Face Lift. This high frequency face lift generates antidotal energies that neutralize causes of dis-ease, and then uses released polar charges to eliminate the creation and recreation of non joy in all that surrounds you. It is for anyone looking to embody immortality.

     This is an energetic face lift activation that has been specifically coded by Rann for: 

  • expanding joy into your reality

  • increasing ease and serenity into your personal encounters

  • eliminating recreation of non joy from others

  • neutralizing facial charges which cause rigidity

  • neutralizing facial charges which cause wrinkles

Rann will activate and run this energetic facelift over the phone while instructing you in the most effective ways to direct the energies that are activated.  

Post session experiences may include:

  • facial muscular aching

  • noticeable changes in facial features

  • noticeable changes in facial demeanor

  • noticeable changes in behavioral responses of others

  • changes in relationships

*  Repeated sessions produce more dynamic results

The E-4 Immortal Facelift is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.



Liberation from your Blockages

Concealment OIE.jpg

This Immortal Face & Body Lift prevents you and your body from broadcasting non serving blocks and triggers. It renders recently experienced and projected obstacles null and void, even when you have yet to approach a specific issue.

This Energetic Face & Body Lift has been coded by Rann for:

  • Experiencing freedom from your issues in the now

  • Creating the space of having

  • Creating greater ease when approaching change

  • Experiencing the energy of successes in your current endeavors.

Rann will activate and run this energetic facelift over the phone while instructing you in the most effective ways to direct the energies that are activated.

Post session experiences may include:

  • facial muscular pressure

  • noticeable ease of self expression

  • noticeable changes in facial demeanor

  • noticeable changes in responses to others' behaviors

*  Repeated sessions produce more dynamic results

The Concealment Face & Body Lift Activation is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.



Surpass your Limitations


This Energetic Face & Body Lift Activation is the invitation to step into the space which exceeds mortal limits. This immortal face lift is designed to envelope your body and being with energies which supersede all blockages and limitations that tie you down. In doing so, conditions are set for individuals and their bodies to receive and operate at maximum capacities. This face & body lift is for anyone seeking to surpass obstacles and limitations.

This is an Energetic Face & Body Lift Activation that has been specifically coded by Rann for:

  • illuminating skin with light and color

  • eliminating facial charges which contribute to wincing and overcompensated expression.

  • inviting repose and tranquility to presence and demeanor

  • promoting efficiencies for neutralizing anxiety and its physical effects.

  • programmed quantum rapport of bodies for non sequenced immortal functions

  • metabolization of UV radiation

During this session, Rann will activate this energetic facelift while instructing you in the most effective ways to direct the energies that are activated.  

Post session experiences may include:

  • relaxation

  • tempered increase of available energy

  • glowing

  • skin sensitivity / tingling in activation points

  • muscular aching and tiredness

  • noticeable changes in facial demeanor

  • noticeable changes in behavioral responses of self and others

  • greater acceptance of personal appearance

*  Repeated sessions produce more dynamic results

The Transcendence Face & Body Lift Activation is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.


The Scrubbing Bubbles Face & Body Lift

Step into Expanded Space

Scrubbing Bubbles Oneness Is Everything

This Face & Body Lift Activation is the invitation to step into expanding space which mitigates fear and its controlling effects. This immortal face lift is designed to imbibe your face, body and being with energies of expansion.  In doing so, conditions are set for individuals to calmly face resistances due to fears and eliminate non verbal feedback which communicates vulnerability to intimidation.  This face lift is for anyone seeking to exude calm in states of potency, receiving and taking action.

This is an Energetic Face & Body Lift Activation that has been specifically coded by Rann for:

  • illuminating skin with light and color - Uniquely Coded Glow Pack is included

  • eliminating facial charges created by contracted states of being .

  • inviting calm and potency to presence and demeanor

  • promoting efficiencies for neutralizing anxiety and its physical effects.

  • programmed quantum rapport of bodies for non sequenced immortal functions

  • metabolization of UV radiation

During this session, Rann will activate this energetic facelift while instructing you in the most effective ways to direct the energies that are activated.  

Post session experiences may include:

  • needing to close eyes

  • short spells of intense energies moving around face

  • glowing

  • not wanting to speak

  • muscular aching and tiredness

  • noticeable changes in facial demeanor

  • noticeable changes in behavioral responses of self and others

  • greater acceptance of personal appearance

*  Repeated sessions produce more dynamic results

The Scrubbing Bubbles Face & Body Lift Activation is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.



Immortal Face Lifts Tailored for You


It's true that no two Immortal Face Lift sessions are ever the same; but this session allows colorful arrays of energies to mix and intermingle for the benefit of enjoying and receiving more than you could imagine!

*Rann will activate coding from any or all Immortal Face Lifts during your session.

The Immortal Face Lift Cocktail Activation is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.




Success - Generator and Amplifier

Open up to More Success.

Success Face Lift

This specifically coded Generator and Amplifier is the invitation to be perceived as successful. It sets up the scenarios for you to encounter individuals who will see your talents as desirable and valuable. This generator and amplifier is for anyone seeking increased avenues for success.

 This is an energetic generator and amplifier that has been specifically coded by Rann for: 

  • promoting success in your endeavors

  • attracting successful individuals into your life

  • attracting individuals willing to contribute to your personal successes

  • increasing receptivity to your abilities and services

  • increasing your appearance as a successful individual

Post session experiences may include:

  • varied emotional processing

  • favorable circumstances to promote yourself and your services

  • opportunities to take action and follow through

  • expansion of your comfort zone

  • increased receptivity

The Success Generator & Activator is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.



Generate Charm and Grace


The Beauty Generator & Amplifier encodes the body to generate numerous energetic fields of beauty and charm. It is specifically focused to make one appealing by way of other’s definitions of beauty. The activation is amplified even greater when one allows other’s appreciation of beauty to be specifically focused in one’s direction. As such this Immortal Face Lift neutralizes deflecting and self deprecating responses and behaviors.
The Beauty Generator & Amplifier also generates the energy of beauty for those who are at the receiving end of the activated individual’s positive energy. Aesthetic pleasures are triggered, ultimately creating an expanding harmony of environmental beauty.

    The Beauty Generator & Amplifier has been specifically coded by Rann for:
•    Expansion of personal field
•    Increased receptivity of interest and appreciation of beauty from others
•    Captivating charm.

    Post session experiences may include:
•    Easy energy flow
•    Recognition and/or greater attention from others
•    Greater inclusiveness
•    Greater vulnerability

The Beauty Generator & Activator is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.


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The Nurturing Generator & Amplifier

Ease in Vulnerability

Nurturing Generator & Amplifier - Oneness Is Everything

This Field Generator and Amplifier is the invitation for ease in vulnerability. It is designed for those who are experiencing greater-than-usual sensitivity, and is perfect for those who never give themselves time for themselves. This generator and amplifier is for anyone seeking support for personal change and receiving.

 This is a Generator & Amplifier that has been specifically coded by Rann for: 

  • promoting innate understanding from others

  • attracting supportive individuals into your life

  • attracting individuals willing to contribute to your space

  • increasing receptivity and allowance for your needs

Rann will activate and run this energetic facelift in person or over the phone while instructing you in the most effective ways to direct the energies that are activated.  

Post session experiences may include:

  • varied emotional processing

  • supportive communication

  • opportunities to receive from others

  • expansion of your comfort zone

  • increased sensitivity

*  Repeated sessions produce more dynamic results

The Nurturing Generator & Activator is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.


The Generator & Amplifier for Elevated Boundaries

New Boundaries that Work for You

elevated Boundaries.jpeg

This Generator & Amplifier delivers a combination of success formulas from previous group sessions along with Immortal Face Lift Generator & Amplifier coding. This combination allows you to be perceived as one with already established boundaries that are to be respected and not challenged. This supportive Generator & Amplifier is highly recommended for those in leadership roles or those who are moving forward after making changes that increase vulnerability and openness.

This generator & amplifier has been coded by Rann to:

  • Allow you to be at the receiving end of positive effects from the judgements of others.

  • Set up safe spaces for your ability to move forward

  • Utilize quantum access in order to bring forward conducive energetic support for attaining goals.

Rann will activate and run this energetic facelift in person or over the phone while instructing you in the most effective ways to direct the energies that are activated.  


Post session experiences may include:

  • varied emotional processing

  • favorable circumstances to step forward

  • opportunities to take action and follow through

  • expansion of your operational zones

  • smoothing receptivity

  • *  Repeated sessions produce more dynamic results

    The Generator & Activator for Elevated Boundaries Activation is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.



Say Goodbye to Previous Impressions


The Allowance Generator &Amplifier is the invitation to be as you are without projected judgement. It sets up the scenarios for you to encounter individuals who will see you as you are and not as you think you appear, nor how they think you should appear. This generator and amplifier is for anyone seeking freedom from fitting into expectations, stereotypes and molds.

The Allowance Generator & Amplifier that has been specifically coded by Rann for:

•    promoting neutrality in the face of others’ anxieties
•    attracting generosity of spirit
•    attracting individuals willing to contribute to your personal goals
•    increasing receptivity to your physical appearance and personal tastes
•    decreasing sensitivity to others in competition with themselves and others

Post session experiences may include:

•    varied emotional processing
•    favorable circumstances to be present with your own body
•    favorable circumstances to choose according to your own choices while allowing others to choose their own
•    expansion of your comfort zone
• increased receptivity

*  Repeated sessions produce more dynamic results

The Allowance Generator & Activator is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.



immortal generator & amplifier cocktail


It's true that no two Immortal Face Lift sessions are ever the same; but this session allows colorful arrays of energies to mix and intermingle for the benefit of enjoying and receiving more than you could imagine! Allow your body to choose what it needs in this always changing session for Immortal Generators & Amplifiers.


For more information on Spin Wave Sessions, please CLICK HERE

Quantum Spin Wave Face lift

Open Up to New Animation

The Spin Wave Face Lift neutralizes facial charges in order to increase flexibility in facial responses, and set the stage for Non Surgical Face Lifts & Adjustments - Phases I, II & III.

Spin Wave facelifts are ideal for: 

  • those who do not wish for or cannot afford surgery.

  • those who would like to experience feature changes before surgery.

  • those who wish to give their visage a boost

Feature changes from these sessions are changeable and can be short or long term, depending on the choice of the client.

  • The Spin Wave Face Lift is a Light-Medium touch or No touch technique.

  • During a single Spin Wave Facelift session single or multiple source charges (up to 50) are located and neutralized.

  • Specific areas of interest may receive focused attention upon request

Post sessions experiences may include

  • neutralization of facial rigidity

  • dynamic, specific, or all over shifts of facial response in a short amount of time

  • possibility of emotional and physical processing

*This is a Spin Wave technique and will likely create processing similar to regular Spin Wave Sessions, especially when chosen in lieu of a regular Spin Wave Session.

Non Surgical FACE LIFTs & Adjustments

Radical Change without the Knife


This is an energetic, non surgical session with a light to medium touch technique. At the end of each session, clients may choose to make changes long term or temporary. This is ideal for individuals seeking permanent results through surgeries. It allows you to: 

  • alleviate symptoms caused by the formations of facial structures

  • witness physical results with or without a permanent commitment

  • experience radical physical shifts without anesthesia, pain or the need for recovery

Phase I

Energetic manipulation resulting in the smoothing of wrinkles, lines, dimples, light/small scars and other minor skin characterizations. Complete erasure of characterizations is possible, but may not be fully realized in one or two sessions.

  • $360 Base fee + $72 per hour

  • Each session includes a small consultation

  • Spin Wave Face Lifts assist in creating dynamic facial adjustments in short amounts of time.

Phase II 

Neutralization and possible addition of charges in order to manipulate muscular shape and form. Phase II sessions are recommended before Phase III sessions so that muscle does not restrict the manipulation of bone/cartilage.

  • $360 Base fee + $144 per hour

  • Each session includes a small consultation

  • Spin Wave Face Lifts assist in creating dynamic facial adjustments in short amounts of time.

Phase III  

Energetic manipulation resulting in the movement and/or change in underlying cartilage and bone structure. e.g. brow, nose, cheekbones, chin. 

  • $360 Base fee + $270 per hour

  • Each session includes a small consultation

  • Spin Wave Face Lifts assist in creating dynamic facial adjustments in short amounts of time.



*Although many energetic face lifts are offered at Oneness Is Everything, these Non surgical face lift options are only available through personal, private facilitation with Rann.  These sessions exhibit significant physical changes and change in appearance. It is in your best interests to arrive for your session in person in order to receive desirable results and maintain symmetry. Rates listed are for sessions held in Centennial, Colorado.